Jelly Roll Morton, Inventor Of Jazz, Online Book by Alan Lomax

with Some sheet music & lyrics.

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Darling Wife
... 1 don't want you to worry. Things are tough
everywhere and we are not the only ones that's catch­ing Hell. There are plenty worse than us. I know things will turn out all right. . . . Enclosed you will find $17. See if you can pay up the interest on the things that's nearest to be lost. I will send you something Monday. I thank God I am able to send you something. Yours.
Another month of striving up and down U Street—another month of acting up to the part of top composer in jazz on coffee and cakes in the most class-ridden small town in the U. S.—the colored bourgeois ghetto of Washington, D. C. . . .
March 16, 1937 Washington Dear Mabel,
Things has been very bad with me. That is why you did not hear from me sooner. I have never thought of giving you up. I am planning to send for you as soon as I can. Maybe before this week is out. If not, real soon.
Tell Mrs.---------to let you have your things and you
will pay her the best you can, because it is so hard on me paying expenses here and trying to do the best I can to pay there.
Darling, you will hear from me real soon. Yours,
Probably, Jelly was not much more prosperous than these letters indicate, but he did not tell Mabel all of his Washington affairs. A rowdy piece of doggerel found among his papers will explain why . . .